Friday, May 1, 2009

Apple Laptops To Get Touch Panels?

lot of rumors have been swirling around the Apple notebook whirlpool lately, and today the waves started to stir once again. The Commercial Times, a Chinese newspaper, has reported that new Apple notebooks will come with a touch panel display, supplied by Taiwan-based company Wintek. The story also goes on to say that Quanta Computers has been tasked to make the new series of Apple notebooks. According to the report, Wintek revealed that they are currently in the process of working with Apple to develop new products, and while no shipment date has been confirmed, the company believes that new items could be out by the second half of 2009. An Apple laptop touch screen that could potentially rival the one built into the iPhone? Where do we sign up? Of course we might have to stop eating buffalo wings while typing to avoid getting tasty sauce on the screen. Then again….Apple laptop and tasty sauce? We might be on to something.

1 comment:

  1. Nowadays Apple introduce new type model of laptop and mobiles. Above the laptop is touch screen and user friendly.Most of the people like this kind of model only.

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